Home > Temple Lodge Historian > Deceased Brethren - Temple Lodge, No.33 > Matthias Kirkwood McMillan

W. Bro. Matthias Kirkwood McMillan was a member of Temple Lodge, No. 33. He was Initiated an Entered Apprentice on 22 January 1910. He served as Junior Warden, 1914; Senior Warden, 1915, and Worshipful Master, 1916.
Here is some biogarphical information about W. Bro. MacMillan taken from various sources:
“....the purpose for which this Emergency Communication had been called was to initiate Mr. Matthias Kirkwood MacMillan in the Entered Apprentice Degree.
Mr. Matthias Kirkwood MacMillan having been duly prepared was conducted into the Lodge, received and initiated in due and ancient form in the Entered Apprentice Degree, and, together with the Bros. Entered Apprentices G.H. Hadwin and Wm. Dingwall present, was instructed in the lectures on the Chart appertaining to this Degree......
.......fraternal greetings and felicitations were extended to the W.M. and the Lodge by the visiting Brethren present, namely: W. Bro. D.E. Kerr, of Corinthian Lodge, No. 27, Rossland, B.C.; Bro. James McLeod of St. Andrew’s Lodge, No. 13, Prince Edward Island, Canada; W. Bro. Thomas Van Norman of Verulam Lodge, No. 268, Ontario, Canada, and Bro. Wm. E. Archer of Tarrelton Lodge, No. , Sidney, Australia.
The W.M. extended to each of the visiting Brethren a hearty welcome and an invitation to again visit the Lodge whenever the opportunity made it convenient for them to do so, for which each of the brethren returned thanks.......”
Source: Temple Lodge Minute Book, page 215, Emergency Meeting of 22 January 1910
“Macmillan – Matthias Kirkwood Macmillan, age 71, died at St. Joseph’s Hospital, Victoria, on Monday.
Born at Beaudelaire Island, Bras d’or Lake, N.S., he came to B.C. in the early days and was assistant to Mr. J.H. Hemsworth at the store at Mt. Sicker. When the mine closed, Mr. Macmillan joined the firm of Pitt and Peterson in Duncan, and later the Cowichan Merchants.
From 1918 to 1929 he was in partnership with Mr. Bruce Powel in the men’s clothing business.
For a short while Mr. Macmillan was in the import business with Mr. W.C. Tanner, in Vancouver. He came back to Vancouver Island and has lived at Metchosin until recently moving in to Victoria. He retired from business almost two years ago.
Surviving are his wife Beatrice at home; one son, Hubert M., in Victoria; three daughters, Mrs. Dorothy Wrotnowski, Deep Cove; Mrs. Gladys Smith, Tofino, and Miss Gail Macmillan, at home.
The funeral was held yesterday from Hayward’s funeral chapel, followed by cremation. “
Source: Cowichan Leader, 24 December 1953